Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Forest Gump

http// (Forest Gump Trailer)
I often wonder how much impact we are making in our lives. If you have ever seen the movie "Forest Gump", you have seen how the white feather floating through the air is symbolic of his life. He's just going where the wind takes him, where circumstances lead, "just go with the flow"!
In the movie all of these incredible things happen to Forest and he plays a part in many historical events but in real life things don't work that way. If you just go where the wind takes you, your life will be one of disarray and confusion. Unfulfilled in all aspects.
Quite a lot of people take this approach to life. Maybe they had plans, perhaps they had dreams at one time but life circumstances have caused them to live a life of second best. "LIFE HAPPENS"! Now they just simply exist. No longer do they dare to dream of something bigger or better in life. Afraid that these unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment, heartache, and even anger, we settle in and we call it "being responsible".
I have been guilty of falling into this trap from time to time. I have even justified it with scripture, "well brother, I've learned to be content in whatever state I'm in". Sounds very spiritual but it's a cop out to a life of apathy. I'm very good at making excuses and even perverting scripture to convince myself that I'm right.
The truth is that we are all making an impact, we are all leaving a wake behind our lives that will impact our future and the generations that follow. The true question is, are we having a positive impact or a negative one?
Just look at the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Jesus calls the one who does not increase, Wicked and Lazy! Ouch, that seems kinda harsh! The message that I see here is that our inaction, our apathetic approach to life, our denial of our God given dreams and purpose are sinful in the eyes of God.
We are all leaving a wake behind us. How will yours impact those around you? Are we living life to it's fullest?

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